Results for 'Teresa L. Rogstad'

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  1.  42
    Mortality Differences Between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage: A Risk-Adjusted Assessment Using Claims Data.Roy A. Beveridge, Sean M. Mendes, Arial Caplan, Teresa L. Rogstad, Vanessa Olson, Meredith C. Williams, Jacquelyn M. McRae & Stefan Vargas - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770910.
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    Les Bouches inutiles et L’Éden Cinéma: Le Théatre du manque.Teresa L. Myintoo - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):100-105.
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    Impressions de trois Européennes en Amérique.Teresa L. Myintoo - 2003 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 19 (1):79-86.
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    A viable model and self-report measure of spiritual intelligence.David B. King & Teresa L. DeCicco - 2009 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 28 (1):68-85.
    A four-factor model of spiritual intelligence is first proposed. Supportive evidence is reviewed for the capacities of critical existential thinking, personal meaning production, transcendental awareness, and conscious state expansion. Based on this model, a 24-item self-report measure was developed and modified across two consecutive studies . The final version of the scale, the Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory , displayed excellent internal reliability and good fit to the proposed model. Correlational analyses with additional measures of meaning, metapersonal self-construal, mysticism, religiosity, and (...)
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    Robert Scholes: Semiotics and Interpretation. [REVIEW]Teresa L. Ebert - 1983 - American Journal of Semiotics 2 (3):173-178.
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    Managed care, managed dollars, managed providers: Ethical dilemmas in mental healthcare. [REVIEW]Teresa L. Scheid - 2002 - HEC Forum 14 (2):99-118.
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    An Investigation of the Relationships Among SelfConstrual, Emotional Intelligence, and Well-Being.Constance A. Mara, Teresa L. DeCicco & Mirella L. Stroink - 2010 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 29 (1):1-11.
    This study aims to further investigate the convergent validity of the recently-proposed metapersonal model and measure of self-construal, and to emphasize the discriminant validity of the metapersonal self-construal as a distinct construct, capturing a unique aspect of self-construal separate from either interdependent or independent aspects. The study looked at two questions: Does the metapersonal self-construal predict higher emotional intelligence? Do those who have higher metapersonal self-construal scores also report greater well-being? A group of 212 undergraduate students was assessed using a (...)
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    The thymus AIDS connection: Thymosin in the diagnosis and treatment of individuals at risk for AIDS.Paul H. Naylor, Teresa L. K. Low & Allan L. Goldstein - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (2):63-69.
    The thymus gland, which plays a key role in the maturation and functioning of the lymphoid system, is implicated in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The observation that the thymic hormone, thymosin α1, is elevated in individuals at risk for AIDS (as opposed to being depressed in other immunodeficient states) has provided the first direct evidence that the thymus is malfunctioning early in the course of this deadly disease. These observations have been valuable in screening for the syndrome with (...)
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    Causal deviance and the ascription of intent and blame.Ross Rogers, Mark D. Alicke, Sarah G. Taylor, David Rose, Teresa L. Davis & Dori Bloom - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):404-427.
    Research indicates that actors who intentionally bring about harmful consequences are blamed more for their actions than those who do so unintentionally. However, in many instances of harmful behavior, intentions are ambiguous. The Culpable Control Model of Blame (CCM) predicts that the degree to which an actor is blamed for causing a harmful outcome is strongly influenced by information about the actor’s character, motives, or desires and that initial blame assessments impact important blame-related criteria such as judgements regarding the actor’s (...)
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  10.  28
    Reward and nonreward odor cues: The role of the harderian gland.Susan M. Nash, Brenda J. Anderson, Teresa L. Reed, John W. Parrish & Stephen F. Davis - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):141-144.
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  11. Mixed effectiveness of rTMS and retraining in the treatment of focal hand dystonia.Teresa J. Kimberley, Rebekah L. S. Schmidt, Mo Chen, Dennis D. Dykstra & Cathrin M. Buetefisch - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  64
    Explicating How Skill Determines the Qualities of User-Avatar Bonds.Teresa Lynch, Nicholas L. Matthews, Michael Gilbert, Stacey Jones & Nina Freiberger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Many frameworks exist that explain how people interact with avatars. Our core argument is that the primary theoretical mechanisms of a user-avatar bond rest with the way people engage avatars and, thereby, the broader digital environment. To understand and predict such engagement, we identify a person’s skill in handling/engaging the avatar in the digital environment as an ordering parameter. Accordingly, we define skill as a person’s ability to enact their agency successfully to achieve desired states. To explain how skill orders (...)
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  13. Evaluation of the preparation of teachers in science and mathematics: Assessment of preservice teachers' attitudes and beliefs.Teresa M. McDeviw, Henry W. Heikkinen, Janet K. Alcorn, Anthony L. Ambrosio & April L. Gardner - 1993 - Science Education 77 (6):593-610.
  14.  35
    Ethics in the Accounting Curriculum.Teresa M. Pergola & L. Melissa Walters - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:199-228.
    Academic accrediting/standard-setting bodies and the accounting profession view the continued emergence of reputation-damaging ethical transgressions within the accounting profession as a failure of accounting education to effectively implement necessary reforms. Although accounting educators have proposed various frameworks and instructional methods for improving ethics education, accounting still lags behind other professions in the moral development of aspiring professionals. The purpose of this paper is to provide a model for an enhanced ethics course developed for an accounting curriculum. The model course was (...)
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  15. Freeman replies.Teresa A. Savage, Kristi L. Kirschner, Rebecca Brashler & Debjani Mukherjee - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    ""On" humility": the limited effect of disability.Teresa A. Savage, Kristi L. Kirschner, Rebecca Brashler & Debjani Mukherjee - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (6):5.
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  17. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  18. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  19. Unsettling complacency.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  20. Unsettling complacency.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  21. The Temporal Priority Principle: At what Age Does this Develop?Michelle L. Rankin & Teresa McCormack - 2014 - In Marc J. Buehner, Time and causality. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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  22. L’uso Del Corpo Come Trasmettitore Di Valori. Un Caso Paradigmatico: Il Nazismo.Teresa Aja - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (14).
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  23.  52
    Possibilité et réalité de l'idéalisme transcendantal.Teresa Pedro - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (3):403-415.
    A partir de la question de la possibilité de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans la deuxième section du SIT, nous analysons le statut des preuves de l’idéalisme transcendantal, en tentant d’en fournir une systématisation. Dans ce cadre, nous essayons de montrer, d’une part, que la problématique d’une preuve de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans le SIT rejoint la dimension critique de la philosophie kantienne et, d’autre part, que ce problème conduit Schelling à un dépassement de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans une philosophie de l’art.With a view (...)
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  24.  37
    Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Corticospinal Excitability During Motor Training.Rebekah L. S. Summers, Mo Chen, Andrea Hatch & Teresa J. Kimberley - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  25.  5
    El saber marginat: l'altra cara del coneixement.Teresa Guardans & Maria Fradera - 1997 - Barcelona: Edicions 62. Edited by Maria Fradera.
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    Philosophical affinities of B. L. Whorf.Teresa Hołówka - 1986 - Semiotica 61 (1-2):61-68.
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    Spingere e spaventare. L'ecologia della paura letta in chiave pragmatista.Teresa Roversi & Giovanni Mariotti - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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  28. Erudición y nostalgia. Al-Hani-n ilà l-awta-n en el editor de al-Faray^ ba, d al- idda de al-Tanu-ji.Teresa Garulo Muñoz - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (1):107 - 146.
    Uno de los temas clásicos de la literatura árabe, casi desde sus comienzos, es la nostalgia de la tierra natal (al-hani-n ilà l-awta-n). Experiencia dolorosa de extrañamiento, que se nutre de las crisis políticas, la nostalgia ha dado lugar a obras que buscan recrear un pasado o unos lugares amados, que sólo la memoria es capaz de recuperar. En este artículo trato de mostrar cómo se articula la nostalgia de Iraq, y, más concretamente, de Bagdad, dentro del aparato crítico de (...)
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    Criteria-based Content Analysis in True and Simulated Victims with Intellectual Disability.Antonio L. Manzanero, M. Teresa Scott, Rocío Vallet, Javier Aróztegui & Ray Bull - 2018 - Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 29 (1):55.
    The aims of the present study were to analyse people’s natural ability to discriminate between true and false statements provided by people with intellectual disability (IQTRUE = 62.00, SD = 10.07; IQFALSE = 58.41, SD = 8.42), and the differentiating characteristics of such people’s statements using criteria-based content analysis (CBCA). Thirty-three people assessed 16 true statements and 13 false statements using their normal abilities. Two other evaluators trained in CBCA evaluated the same statements. The natural evaluators differentiated between true and (...)
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    Books briefly noted.James L. Hyland, Teresa Iglesias, Peter J. King, Ciaran McGlynn, Jaime Nubiola, Brian O'Connor, Patrick Gorevan, Rachel Vaughan & Máire O'Neill - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1):173-179.
    Political Freedom By George G. Brenkert Routledge, 1991. Pp. 278. ISBN 0–415–03372–1. £35 hbk.Wittgenstein: A Bibliographical Guide By Guido Frongia and Brian McGuinness Basil Blackwell, 1990. Pp. x + 438. ISBN 00631–13765–3. £60.00.Metaphysics By Peter van Inwagen Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. xiii + 222. ISBN 0–19–8751400. £11.95 pbk.The Nature of Moral Thinking By Francis Snare Routledge, 1992. Pp. 187. ISBN 0–415–04709–9. £9.99 pbk.Filosofía analitica hoy: Encuentro de tradiciones Edited by Mercedes Torrevejano Servicio de Publications Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, (...)
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  31. El socialismo: un estudio de representación social.Ma Teresa Acosta, L. Javier Angel & S. Moscovlci - forthcoming - Polis.
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  32. Following Sebald's unsettling course : syndetic pilgrimage in architectural education and practice.Ricardo L. Castro & Teresa Strong-Wilson - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  33. Following Sebald's unsettling course : syndetic pilgrimage in architectural education and practice.Ricardo L. Castro & Teresa Strong-Wilson - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Hijacking the dispatch protocol: When callers pre-empt their reason-for-the-call in emergency calls about cardiac arrest.Judith Finn, Teresa A. Williams, Austin Whiteside, Kay L. O’Halloran, Stephen Ball & Marine Riou - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (5):666-687.
    This article examines emergency ambulance calls made by lay callers for patients found to be in cardiac arrest when the paramedics arrived. Using conversation analysis, we explored the trajectories of calls in which the caller, before being asked by the call-taker, said why they were calling, that is, calls in which callers pre-empted a reason-for-the-call. Caller pre-emption can be disruptive when call-takers first need to obtain an address and telephone number. Pre-emptions have further implications when call-takers reach the stage when (...)
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    Suppress to Forget: The Effect of a Mindfulness-Based Strategy during an Emotional Item-Directed Forgetting Paradigm.Olga L. Gamboa, Javier Garcia-Campayo, Teresa Müller & Frederic von Wegner - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sublimation-like behavior of cardiac dynamics in heart failure: A malignant phase transition?Ary L. Goldberger, Teresa S. Henriques & Sara Mariani - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):24-32.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Fronto-Parietal Network Connectivity and Its Relation to Mobility: An Exploratory Analysis of a 6-Month Randomized Controlled Trial.Chun L. Hsu, John R. Best, Shirley Wang, Michelle W. Voss, Robin G. Y. Hsiung, Michelle Munkacsy, Winnie Cheung, Todd C. Handy & Teresa Liu-Ambrose - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Self Perceived Emotional Functioning of Spanish Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Longitudinal Study.Jesús S. Mora, Teresa Salas, María L. Fajardo, Lourdes Iváñez & Francisco Rodríguez-Santos - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  39. Acting Without Reasons.Josep L. Pradesspecial Issue On Normativity & Edited by Teresa Marques Rationality - 2007 - Special Issue on Normativity and Rationality, Edited by Teresa Marques 2 (23).
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    The Effects of Euphemism Usage in Business Contexts.Terri L. Rittenburg, George Albert Gladney & Teresa Stephenson - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (2):315-320.
    Transparency is important in today’s business environment. The use of euphemisms decreases transparency yet is increasing in business and business education. This study examines the effects of euphemism on people’s attitudes toward actions and their intentions to perform those actions. It also measures the effect of oversight on attitudes and behavioral intentions. Using a 2 × 2 experimental design, we measured participants’ attitudes by employing a semantic differential scale and behavioral intentions by using a simple yes/no question regarding the action (...)
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  41.  24
    Testing psychological trivia.Henry L. Roediger & Teresa A. Blaxton - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):433-436.
  42.  16
    Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity.Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book engages with the writings of W.G. Sebald, mediated by perspectives drawn from curriculum and architecture, to explore the theme of unsettling complacency and confront difficult knowledge around trauma, discrimination and destruction. Moving beyond overly instrumentalist and reductive approaches, the authors combine disciplines in a scholarly fashion to encourage readers to stretch their understandings of currere. The chapters exemplify important, timely and complicated conversations centred on ethical response and responsibility, in order to imagine a more just and aesthetically experienced (...)
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    Syntactic Computations in the Language Network: Characterizing Dynamic Network Properties Using Representational Similarity Analysis.Lorraine K. Tyler, Teresa P. L. Cheung, Barry J. Devereux & Alex Clarke - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Simone de Beauvoir: Regard sur l’Espagne.Teresa Myintoo - 1997 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 14 (1):132-139.
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  45.  13
    Il concetto di macchina dalla logica all'intelligenza artificiale: L'opera di am turino.Teresa Numerico - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi, Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino. pp. 219.
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  46.  7
    Lo spettro della fine: pensare l'Apocalisse tra filosofia e cinema.Teresa Tonchia (ed.) - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  47.  7
    Guerra e fisica del potere: il “discorso filosofico” dell’Europa contemporanea.Teresa Pullano - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:57-71.
    Con l’invasione dell’Ucraina da parte della Russia nel febbraio del 2022 e con lo scoppio della guerra a Gaza nell’ottobre del 2023, assistiamo al ritorno della guerra, compresa la forma classica dell’invasione via terra, in Europa e nel Mediterraneo. In questo articolo, mi chiedo in che modo il “discorso filosofico” interviene nel pensare l’articolazione tra l’Europa e la guerra. Qui, intendo il discorso della filosofia politica come diagnosi e genealogia del presente. L’Europa stessa, la sua forma politica, è oggi il (...)
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  48.  20
    DNA pedagogy: between sociology of science and historical-epistemic issues (Pedagogia del DNA: tra sociologia della scienza e questioni storico-epistemiche).Teresa Celestino - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):7-28.
    The pedagogical function of science teaching may benefit from an analysis of the historical-epistemic dimension, without neglecting the socio-political context in which a given research was carried out. In the case of DNA structure, the background of its discovery is particularly complex. Starting from the analysis of some papers, the view on the circumstances that led to their drafting broadens. We try to answer the fundamental question for any educator: why teach all that? Ethics issues are related to the general (...)
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  49.  14
    El Consentimiento Sexual. Eliminación de la Distinción Entre Abuso y Agresión Sexuales. Propuestas Normativas.Teresa Peramato Martín - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2:191-224.
    Tras el Pacto de Estado contra la Violencia de Género se han llevado a cabodiversas iniciativas legislativas en torno a las denominadas violencias sexualesque han desembocado en la L.O. 10/2022 de Garantía Integral de la LibertadSexual.En este trabajo se pretenden abordar dos de las cuestiones más importantesde esta Ley, el consentimiento expreso y la eliminación de la distinción entreabuso sexual y agresión sexual, todo ello, partiendo de la realidad a que sequiere dar respuesta, de las obligaciones asumidas a nivel internacional (...)
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  50. Nauka, filozofia i teologia w Rosji nowożytnej.Teresa Obolevitch - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    Between the Orthodox Russian Church and modern science were not any serious conflicts. For examples, in XVII century students of Academy of Kiev-Mohyla studied heliocentric system of Copernic and doctrine of Galileo. In 1724 According to the project of Leibniz Tsar Peter I founded Russian Academy of Science in St-Petersburg. There worked D. Bernoulli and L. Euler. The Russian philosophical though presents an attempt of accord of science and theology.
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